X Author: Ronnen M Levinson
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, Jonathan L Slack, Leo I Rainer, and Ronnen M Levinson."Sealed and Insulated Attic Hygrothermal Performance in New California Homes Using Vapor and Air Permeable Insulation—Field Study and Simulations."
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, and Ronnen M Levinson."A Literature Review of Sealed and Insulated Attics—Thermal, Moisture and Energy Performance."
(2016). DOI
Wray, Craig P, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen M Levinson, and Tengfang T Xu."Inclusion of Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance Prescriptive Requirements for Residential Roofs in Title 24."
Akbari, Hashem, Craig P Wray, Ronnen M Levinson, and Tengfang T Xu."Inclusion of Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance Prescriptive Requirements for Steep-Sloped Nonresidential Roofs in Title 24."
Carrié, François Rémi, Ronnen M Levinson, Tengfang T Xu, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William J Fisk, Jennifer A McWilliams, Mark P Modera, and Duo Wang."Laboratory and Field Testing of an Aerosol-Based Duct-Sealing Technology for Large Commercial Buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
Modera, Mark P, Olivier Brzozowski, François Rémi Carrié, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William W Delp, William J Fisk, Ronnen M Levinson, and Duo Wang."Sealing Ducts in Large Commercial Buildings with Aerosolized Sealant Particles."Energy & Buildings
34.7 (2001) 705-714. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of air infiltration on the effective thermal conductivity of internal fiberglass insulation and on the delivery of thermal capacity via ducts."
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of Airflow Infiltration on the Thermal Performance of Internally-insulated Ducts."Energy & Buildings
32 (2000) 345-354.
Wray, Craig P, Mary Ann Piette, Max H Sherman, Ronnen M Levinson, Nance Matson, Debbie A Driscoll, Jennifer A McWilliams, Tengfang T Xu, and William W Delp."Residential Commissioning: A Review of Related Literature."