X Author: Brennan Less
Satre-Meloy, Aven, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, Iain S Walker, and Brennan Less."Reducing the Cost of Home Energy Upgrades in the US: An Industry Survey."Journal of Building Engineering, October, 110939
(2024). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, Cara Lozinsky, and Michael D Sohn."The Impact of Simplified Window and Exhaust Fan Assumptions on Model- Based Predictions of Inter-Zonal Air Flow and Contaminant Transport in Multifamily Buildings."Proc. 44th AIVC Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, Sean Murphy, and Eric Fournier."Electrical Service Panel Capacity in California Households with Insights for Equitable Building Electrification."Proc ACEEE Summer Study 2024. ACEEE, Washington, DC
Less, Brennan, and Iain S Walker."HVAC Heat Pump Upgrades and their Impact on Household Maximum Power Demand."Proc ACEEE Summer Study 2024. ACEEE, Washington, DC
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, Cara Lozinsky, David M Lorenzetti, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, and Michael D Sohn."Compartmentalization and Ventilation System Impacts on Air and Contaminant Transport for Multifamily Buildings."International Journal of Ventilation.
(2024). DOI
de Mesquita, P. Jacob Bueno, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, Iain S Walker, Brennan Less, and Brett C Singer."Quantifying the Potential Health Impacts of Unvented Combustion in Homes – A Meta-Analysis."43rd AIVC-11th TightVent & 9th Venticool Conference, 4-5 October 2023, Copenhagen
Walker, Iain S, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, and Brennan Less."Challenges and Opportunities for Home Decarbonization."
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, David M Lorenzetti, Michael D Sohn, and Nuria Casquero-Modrego."Compartmentalization and Ventilation System Impacts on Air and Contaminant Transport for a Multifamily Building."Buildings XV Conference
Less, Brennan, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, and Iain S Walker."Home Energy Upgrades as a Pathway to Home Decarbonization in the US: A Literature Review."Energies
(2022). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, and Nuria Casquero-Modrego."Pathways to Home Decarbonization."Proceedings of the 2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
Delp, William W, Brennan Less, Haoran Zhao, Spencer M Dutton, Wanyu R Chan, and Brett C Singer."Simulation-Based Analysis of Impacts of Reduced Envelope and Duct Air Leakage on Indoor Air Pollutant Concentrations in Occupied Manufactured Homes."
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, and Leo I Rainer."The Costs of Home Decarbonization in the US."Proceedings of the 2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
Zhao, Haoran, Iain S Walker, Michael D Sohn, and Brennan Less."A Time-Varying Model for Predicting Formaldehyde Emission Rates in Homes."
(2022). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, David M Lorenzetti, and Michael D Sohn."Analysis of Zoned Residential Ventilation Systems."AIVC/ASHRAE IAQ 2020 Conference
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, and Nuria Casquero-Modrego."Carbon and Energy Cost Impacts of Electrification of Space Heating with Heat Pumps in the US."
(2022). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, David M Lorenzetti, and Michael D Sohn."Development of Advanced Smart Ventilation Controls for Residential Applications."Energies
(2021). DOI
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, and Nuria Casquero-Modrego."Emerging Pathways to Upgrade the US Housing Stock: A Review of the Home Energy Upgrade Literature."
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, and Leo I Rainer."The Cost of Decarbonization and Energy Upgrade Retrofits for US Homes."
Young, Matthew, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, Max H Sherman, and Jordan D Clark."Assessment of peak power demand reduction available via modulation of building ventilation systems."Energy and Buildings
(2020). DOI
Walker, Iain S, and Brennan Less."Measured Moisture Performance of Sealed and Insulated Attics with Permeable Insulation In California Homes."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings XIV
Less, Brennan, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, Max H Sherman, and Jordan D Clark."Energy savings with outdoor temperature-based smart ventilation control strategies in advanced California homes."Energy and Buildings
194 (2019) 317 - 327. DOI
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, Jonathan L Slack, Leo I Rainer, and Ronnen M Levinson."Sealed and Insulated Attic Hygrothermal Performance in New California Homes Using Vapor and Air Permeable Insulation—Field Study and Simulations."
Clark, Jordan D, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Efficacy of occupancy-based smart ventilation control strategies in energy-efficient homes in the United States."Building and Environment
156 (2019) 253 - 267. DOI