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Ingle, Aaron, Mithra M Moezzi, Loren Lutzenhiser, and Richard C Diamond."How well do home energy audits serve the homeowner?."2012 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).
Chojnowski, D, K Straub, Evan Mills, and T White."Online Communities for Creating Change: Home Energy Pros."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).
Delp, William W, and Brett C Singer."Performance Assessment of U.S. Residential Cooking Exhaust Hoods."Environmental Science & Technology 46.11 (2012) 6167-6173. DOI
Mills, Evan, and Paul A Mathew."Web Services that Foster Innovation in Buildings Energy Analysis Tools."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).
Mills, Evan."Weighing the Risks of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies."Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68.6 (2012) 67-78. DOI