A compilation of papers for the Indoor Air 2002 Conference in memory of Joan M. Daisey
Publication Type
This document compiles papers produced by staff and collaborators of the Indoor Environment Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for presentation at the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, to be held June 30 - July 5, 2002 in Monterey, California. The Indoor Air Conference, held every three years, is the largest international conference on indoor air quality and was last held in the United States during 1981.
The compilation is dedicated to Dr. Joan M. Daisey who served as a Vice President of the organizing committee for the Indoor Air 2002 Conference until her death in February 2000. Joan was also the Department Head for the Indoor Environment Department. Please see the Dedication on the following page.
Year of Publication
Building Technology and Urban Systems Division, Indoor Environment Group, Residential Building Systems, Whole Building Systems Department, Sustainable Energy Department, Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division