X Author: Helmut E Feustel
Modera, Mark P, Tengfang T Xu, Helmut E Feustel, Nance Matson, Charlie Huizenga, Fred S Bauman, Edward A Arens, and Tom R Borgers."Efficient Thermal Energy Distribution in Commercial Buildings."
Feustel, Helmut E."COMIS — An International Multizone Air-Flow and Contaminant Transport Model."Energy and Buildings
30.1 (1999) 3-18. DOI
Diamond, Richard C, Helmut E Feustel, and Nance Matson."A Guide to Energy Efficient Ventilation in Apartment Buildings, US Department of Energy (DOE/EE-0196)."
Feustel, Helmut E, and Richard C Diamond."Ventilation in Highrise Apartments."Proceedings of the Room Vent 1998 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
Feustel, Helmut E."Annex 23 -- An International Effort in Multizone Air Flow Modeling."Proceedings of the RoomVent 1996, 5th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, July 17 - 19, Yokohama, Japan
2 (1996) 1-8.
Feustel, Helmut E, and Richard C Diamond."Diagnostics and measurements of infiltration and ventilation systems in high-rise apartment buildings."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
1 (1996) 95-101.
Stetiu, Corina, and Helmut E Feustel."Phase Change Wallboard as an Alternative to Compressor Cooling in Residences?."Proceedings of the 1966 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
19 (1996) 157-170.
Diamond, Richard C, Helmut E Feustel, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Ventilation and Infiltration in Highrise Apartment Buildings."
Stetiu, Corina, Helmut E Feustel, and Yukio Nakano."Ventilation Control Strategies for Buildings with Hydronic Radiant Cooling in Hot Humid Climates."Proceedings of the RoomVent 1996, Yokohama, Japan
Diamond, Richard C, and Helmut E Feustel."Air Flow Distribution in a Mechanically-Ventilated High-Rise Residential Building."16th AIVC Annual Conference, Palm Springs, USA
2 (1995) 369-378.
Stetiu, Corina, and Helmut E Feustel."Development of a Model to Simulate the Performance of Hydronic Radiant Cooling Ceilings."
Diamond, Richard C, Helmut E Feustel, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Energy and Ventilation Research in Highrise Apartments: The Chelsea Public Housing Study."Proceedings of the 15th AIVC Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA
Feustel, Helmut E."Simplified Numerical Description of Latent Storage Characteristics for Phase Change Wallboard."
Diamond, Richard C, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Helmut E Feustel, Richard Jansky, and Max H Sherman."Chelsea Public Housing Study: Ventilation and Infiltration Survey. Interim Report to DOE on DOE-HUD Initiative."
Diamond, Richard C, Joseph A McAllister, Leo I Rainer, Ronald L Ritschard, and Helmut E Feustel."Affordable Housing Rehabilitation in Vermont: Energy Savings, Cost-Effectiveness, and Resident Satisfaction."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V
Sherman, Max H, Helmut E Feustel, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Description of a System for Measuring In-terzonal Air Flows using Multiple Tracer Gases."Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Structures (Chaddock and Todorivic Eds)
(1990) 781-790.
Feustel, Helmut E, and Max H Sherman."The COMIS Infiltration Model a Tool for Multizone Applications."Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Structures (Chaddock and Todorivic Eds.)
(1990) 771-779.
Feustel, Helmut E, and Richard C Diamond."Distribution Losses in Multifamily Domestic Hot Water Systems."Report prepared for the Southern California Edison Company
Sherman, Max H, Helmut E Feustel, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Description of a System for Measuring Interzonal Air Flows Using Multiple Tracer Gasses."
Feustel, Helmut E, and Max H Sherman."A Simplified Model for Predicting Air Flow in Multizone Structures."Energy and Buildings
13.3 (1989) 217-239.
Diamond, Richard C, Mark P Modera, and Helmut E Feustel."Ventilation and Occupant Behavior in Two Apartment Buildings."The 7th Air Infiltration Centre Conference on Occupant Interaction with Ventilation Systems
Feustel, Helmut E, C.H Zuercher, Richard C Diamond, J. J Bruce Dickinson, David T Grimsrud, and Ronnie D Lipschutz."Temperature- and wind-induced air flow patterns in a staircase. Computer modelling and experimental verification."Energy and Buildings
8.2 (1985) 105-122. DOI