X Author: J.W Adams
Sherman, Max H, J.W Adams, Robert C Sonderegger, Francis A Govan, David M Greason, and John D McAllister."Simplified Thermal Parameters: A Model of the Dynamic Performance of Walls."Thermal Insulation, Materials, and Systems for Energy Conservation in the '80s: A Conference
ASTM STP 789 (1983) 355-372.
Sherman, Max H, Robert C Sonderegger, and J.W Adams."The Determination of the Dynamic Performance of Walls."ASHRAE Transactions
88.1 (1982) 689.
Sonderegger, Robert C, Max H Sherman, and J.W Adams."The Envelope Thermal Test Unit (ETTU): Field Measurement of Wall Performance."Proceedings Third International Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment