X Author: Max H Sherman
Sherman, Max H, and Hal Levin."Renewables in Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality."World Renewable Energy Conference; Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and the Environment
1 (1996) 236-240.
Tuluca, Adrian, and Max H Sherman."Simplified Multizone Blower Door Techniques for Multifamily Buildings."NYSERDA Report
95.16 (1995).
Olken, Frank, Evan Mills, Mary Ann Piette, Dale A Sartor, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Max H Sherman."The Role of Building Life-Cycle Information Systems in the Delivery of Energy Services."Proceedings. NIST/EPRI: ATP: Information and Telecommunications for the U.S. Utilities Industry Focused Program Development
(1995) 01/1995.
Sherman, Max H, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Air Tightness of U.S. Dwellings."Proceedings 15th Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre Conference
Palmiter, Larry, and Max H Sherman."Airflow Performance of Envelopes, Components and Systems."Airflow Performance of Envelopes, Components and Systems
STP 1255 (1994) 7-22.
Sherman, Max H, and John L Stoops."ACEEE 1994 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings."
10 (1994).
Sherman, Max H, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Monitoring Ventilation and Air Leakage in a Low-Rise Commercial Building."Solar Engineering (Klett, Hogan, Tanaka Eds.)
G00837 (1994) 291-297.
Sherman, Max H, Larry Palmiter, Mark P Modera, and Andrew K Persily."Uncertainty in Fan Pressurization Measurements."Airflow Performance of Envelopes, Components and Systems
STP 1255 (1994) 262-283.
Sherman, Max H, and Nance Matson."Ventilation-Energy Liabilities in U.S. Housing."Proceedings 14th Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre Conference
Diamond, Richard C, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Helmut E Feustel, Richard Jansky, and Max H Sherman."Chelsea Public Housing Study: Ventilation and Infiltration Survey. Interim Report to DOE on DOE-HUD Initiative."
Sherman, Max H."A Power-Law Formulation of Laminar Flow in Short Pipes."Journal of Fluids Engineering
114 (1992) 601-605.
Sherman, Max H."Simplified Modeling for Infiltration and Radon Entry."ASHRAE/ DOE/BTECC Conference, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings Conference V (addendum)
Sherman, Max H, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."ACT2 Project Report: Ventilation and Air Tightness Measurements of the Sunset Building."ventilation, air tightness
Sherman, Max H."A Multi-Tracer System for Multizone Ventilation Measurements."Review of Scientific Instruments
61.9 (1990) 2457-2461.
Sherman, Max H, Helmut E Feustel, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Description of a System for Measuring In-terzonal Air Flows using Multiple Tracer Gases."Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Structures (Chaddock and Todorivic Eds)
(1990) 781-790.
Tuluca, Adrian, Max H Sherman, and Moncef Krarti."Reduction of the Effective Leakage Areas of Single Section HUD-Code Manufactured Homes Due to Air Infiltration Barriers."ASHRAE Transactions
96.1 (1990).
Feustel, Helmut E, and Max H Sherman."The COMIS Infiltration Model a Tool for Multizone Applications."Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Structures (Chaddock and Todorivic Eds.)
(1990) 771-779.
Harrje, David T, Russell N Dietz, Max H Sherman, David L Bohac, Ted W D'Ottavio, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Max H Sherman."Tracer Gas Measurement Systems Compared in a Multifamily Building."Air Change Rate and Air Tightness in Buildings
ASTM STP 1067 (1990) 5-20. DOI
Sherman, Max H."Tracer Gas Techniques for Measuring Ventilation in a Single Zone."Building and Environment
25.4 (1990) 365-374.
Sherman, Max H."Air Change Rate and Air Tightness in Buildings."Performance of Building Constructions and its Subcommittee E06.41 on Infiltration Performances, April 16-17, 1989
STP 1067 (1990) 302. DOI
Sherman, Max H."Air Infiltration Measurement Techniques."10th Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre Conference