
X Author: Max H Sherman


Sherman, Max H, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."A Multigas Tracer System for Multizone Air Flow Measurements."Proceedings ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings Conference IV (1989) 417-432.


Sherman, Max H."Exegesis of Proposed ASHRAE Standard 119: Air Leakage Performance for Detached Single-Family Residential Buildings."Proceedings. BTECC/DOE Symposium on Guidelines for Air Infiltration, Ventilation, and Moisture Transfer (D. Eakin Ed.) (1988).
Sherman, Max H, and Mark P Modera."Signal Attenuation Due to Cavity Leakage."Journal of Acoustical Society of America 84.6 (1988).


Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and S de Vinuesa."In-Situ Measurements of Wall Thermal Performance: Data Interpretation and Apparatus Design Recommendations."Thermal Insulation, Materials and Systems, (Powell/Mathews Eds.) STP:922 (1987) 91-106.


Sherman, Max H, and Mark P Modera."Low Frequency Measurement of the Leakage of Enclosures."Rev. Scientific Instruments 57.7 (1986) 1427.
Sherman, Max H, David J Wilson, and Darwin Kiel."Variability in Residential Air Leakage."Measured Air Leakage Performance of Buildings, (Trechsel/Lagus Ed.) STP:904 (1986) 348-364.
Sherman, Max H."Description of ASHRAE's Proposed Air Tightness Standard."5th Air Infiltration Centre Conference: The Implementation and Effectiveness of Air Infiltration Standards in Buildings, October 1-5, 1984 (1986).
Sherman, Max H, and Mark P Modera."Infiltration Using the LBL Infiltration Model."Measured Air Leakage Performance of Buildings, (Trechsel/Lagus Ed.) STP:904 (1986) 325 - 347.


Sherman, Max H, and J. J Bruce Dickinson."The Prediction of Air Infiltration."Proceedings CLIMA 2000 Conference (1985).
Sherman, Max H, and J. J Bruce Dickinson."Fan Pressurization Techniques for the Estimation of Air Infiltration."Proceedings ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings III, (1985).
Sherman, Max H."Multizone Modeling and Air Leakage Analysis."Proceedings, 6th Air Infiltration Centre Conference (1985).