X Author: Max H Sherman
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, Richard C Diamond, and Robert C Sonderegger."Air Leakage, Surface Pressures and Infiltration Rates in Houses."Second International CIB, Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Sherman, Max H, David T Grimsrud, and Richard C Diamond."Infiltration-Pressurization Correlations: Surface Pressures and Terrain Effects."ASHRAE Trans
(1979) pp. 458-479;.
Blomsterberg, A.K, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."A Model Correlating Air Tightness and Air Infiltration in Houses."Proceedings ASHRAE-DOE Conference on Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings
SP 28 (1979).
Sherman, Max H, David T Grimsrud, and Robert C Sonderegger."The Low Pressure Leakage Function of a Building."Proceedings ASHRAE-DOE Conference on Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings
SP 28, (1979).
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, A.K Blomsterberg, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Infiltration and Air- Leakage Comparisons: Conventional and Energy-Efficient Housing Designs."Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Use Management
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, Richard C Diamond, Paul E Condon, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Infiltration-Pressurization Correlations: Detailed Measurements on a California House."ASHRAE Trans.
(1978) 851-865.