Publications: BTUS Energy Analytics
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Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo I Rainer, Jimmy Mai, Ian Vaino, Claire Curtin, Arman Shehabi, Louis-Benoit Desroches, and Nathaniel Mills."A Plug-Loads Game Changer: Computer Gaming Energy Efficiency without Performance Compromise."
Mills, Evan, Jessica Granderson, Wanyu R Chan, Richard C Diamond, Philip Haves, Bruce Nordman, Paul A Mathew, Mary Ann Piette, Gerald Robinson, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings."
Mills, Evan, and Paul A Mathew."Monitoring-Based Commissioning: Benchmarking Analysis of 24 University Buildings in California."Energy Engineering
Mills, Evan, and Paul A Mathew."Web Services that Foster Innovation in Buildings Energy Analysis Tools."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings