SEMINAR 4: Non-Energy Impacts in Home Electrification and Decarbonization
> Non-Energy Impacts in Home Electrification and Decarbonization
This seminar explores the multifaceted advantages of home electrification and decarbonization beyond energy savings, with a special focus on health improvements. Retrofitting homes for reduced carbon emissions not only advances environmental sustainability but also enhances indoor air quality and thermal comfort, leading to potential health benefits and enhancing overall well-being. Through interdisciplinary research and case studies, participants will learn about the potential improvement in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases resulting from decreased indoor pollutants, improved ventilation and better indoor thermal comfort. In addition, the seminar will also address the positive social and economic impacts, such as increased property values, reduced healthcare costs, or enhanced quality of life, especially for low-income individuals. Through expert presentations and case studies, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how non-energy impacts can transform living spaces into healthier and more sustainable environments. Join us to discover the broad-ranging advantages of home electrification and decarbonization that extend far beyond reducing utility bills.
Brady Seals - Manager at RMI
Brady Seals is a Manager in RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings program. RMI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit that transforms global energy systems through market-driven solutions to align with a 1.5°C future and secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all. At RMI, Brady leads a workstream on the health and air quality benefits of electrifying buildings. She engages stakeholders in rapidly transitioning to clean energy solutions that deliver environmental, health, and economic benefits. Brady and her team’s work focuses on policy, stoves, retrofitting HVAC in schools for student health and learning, indoor air quality protections, and the health benefits of whole-home retrofits. Prior to RMI, Brady worked for over a decade in the household energy sector, working in over 16 countries. Throughout her career, she has contributed to several research efforts to study, quantify, and communicate the climate and health benefits of air pollution-mitigating technologies and strategies.
Kevin Kennedy - Environmental Health Scientist
Mr. Kennedy has over 30 years’ experience as an environmental health scientist, including 21 years’ working at Children’s Mercy Kansas City (CMKC). Mr. Kennedy led the establishment of the Environmental Health Program (EHP) and through his and the EH team’s effort, they have assessed thousands of homes and schools, providing patient families, childcares, and schools with resources to assist them in identifying and reducing indoor environmental exposures that may result in health problems for children. During Mr. Kennedy’s tenure the EHP received over $7million in program and research grants and won three national awards, including the HUD Secretary’s Award for Healthy Homes. Grant funding also supported a variety of research projects focusing on indoor environmental health issues, home environmental interventions, exposure assessment, and more recently on geospatial analysis of health disparities and social determinants of health. Mr. Kennedy is a co-author on more than 30 research publications, and as a professional training instructor, has taught thousands of professionals, educators, and advocates about environmental health and healthy housing.
Paul Francisco - Senior Research Associate (Energy Institute) at Colorado State University; and Director (Indoor Climate Research and Training), Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
Paul Francisco is the Director of the Indoor Climate Research & Training division of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission and is a Sr. Research Associate at Colorado State University’s Energy Institute. Paul has been conducting field-based research on residential retrofits for over 30 years, with a focus on how retrofits can lead to both efficient AND healthy buildings for the last 20 years. He has performed numerous studies measuring the concentrations of multiple indoor contaminants before and after retrofits, often in collaboration with practitioners who are able to deliver these benefits to residents. Paul also trains practitioners on energy efficiency and healthy homes, largely within the U.S. DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program as well as utility programs.