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Wray, Craig P, Nance Matson, and Max H Sherman."Selecting Whole-House Ventilation Strategies to Meet Proposed ASHRAE 62.2: Energy Cost Considerations."ASHRAE Transactions
106 (2000) 681-691.
Sherman, Max H, Iain S Walker, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Stopping Duct Quacks: Longevity of Residential Duct Sealants."Proceedings of the ACEEE 2000 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
1 (2000) 273-284.
Walker, Iain S."Distribution System Leakage Impacts on Apartment Building Ventilation Rates."ASHRAE Transactions
105 (1999) 943-950.
Modera, Mark P, Tengfang T Xu, Helmut E Feustel, Nance Matson, Charlie Huizenga, Fred S Bauman, Edward A Arens, and Tom R Borgers."Efficient Thermal Energy Distribution in Commercial Buildings."
Faulkner, David, William J Fisk, Douglas P Sullivan, and David P Wyon."Ventilation Efficiencies of Desk-Mounted Task/Ambient Conditioning Systems."Indoor Air '99 Conference, August 8-13, 1999
9 (1999) 273-281.
Faulkner, David, William J Fisk, Douglas P Sullivan, and David P Wyon."Ventilation Efficiencies of Task/Ambient Conditioning Systems with Desk-Mounted Air Supplies."Indoor Air '99 Conference, August 8-13, 1999
(1999) 356-361.
Feustel, Helmut E."COMIS — An International Multizone Air-Flow and Contaminant Transport Model."Energy and Buildings
30.1 (1999) 3-18. DOI
Diamond, Richard C, Tim I Salsbury, Geoffrey C Bell, Yu Joe Huang, Osman Sezgen, Richard Mazzucchi, and Jeff Romberger."Phillip Burton Federal Building: EMCS Retrofit Analysis."
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jeffrey A Siegel, Duo Wang, Christopher R Buchanan, and Mark P Modera."Leakage Diagnostics, Sealant Longevity, Sizing and Technology Transfer in Residential Thermal Distribution Systems; Part II."
Diamond, Richard C, Helmut E Feustel, and Nance Matson."A Guide to Energy Efficient Ventilation in Apartment Buildings, US Department of Energy (DOE/EE-0196)."
Salsbury, Tim I, and Richard C Diamond."Automated Testing of HVAC Systems for Commissioning."
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, and Jeffrey A Siegel."Distribution Effectiveness and Impacts on Equipment Sizing for Residential Thermal Distribution Systems."
Zhao, Dongye Y, Julien Rouques, John C Little, and Alfred T Hodgson."Effect of Reversible, Diffusion-Controlled Sinks on VOC Concentrations in Buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 99, Edinburgh, Scotland
5 (1999) 264-269.
Wray, Craig P, Ian G Theaker, and Peter Moffatt."Field Testing to Characterize Suite Ventilation in Recently Constructed Mid- and High-Rise Residential Buildings."
Buchanan, Christopher R, and Max H Sherman."CFD Simulation of Infiltration Heat Recovery."Proceedings of the 19th AIVC Conference, Oslo, Norway, Sept. 28-30, 1998
Walker, Iain S, and David J Wilson."Field Validation of Equations for Stack and Wind Driven Air Infiltration Calculations."ASHRAE HVAC&R Research Journal
4.2 (1998) 119-140.
Diamond, Richard C."Enerplex Revisited and Reevaluated."Progressive Architecture
v.70,.no.3 (1998) p.117-119.
Diamond, Richard C."What Do Building Science and Architecture Have in Common?."1998 Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Architectural Services Organization
Walker, Iain S, David J Wilson, and Max H Sherman."A Comparison of the Power Law to Quadratic Formulations for Air Infiltration Calculations."Energy and Buildings
27 (1998) 293-299.