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Buchanan, Christopher R, and Max H Sherman."CFD Simulation of Infiltration Heat Recovery."Proceedings of the 19th AIVC Conference, Oslo, Norway, Sept. 28-30, 1998 (1998).
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Can Duct-Tape Take the Heat?."Home Energy 15 (1998) 14.
Diamond, Richard C."Enerplex Revisited and Reevaluated."Progressive Architecture v.70,.no.3 (1998) p.117-119.
Diamond, Richard C."What Do Building Science and Architecture Have in Common?."1998 Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Architectural Services Organization (1998).
Franconi, Ellen M."Measuring Advances in HVAC Distribution System Design."Proceedings of the 1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy and Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA 3 (1998) 153-165.