X Author: Mark P Modera
Sherman, Max H, and Mark P Modera."Low Frequency Measurement of the Leakage of Enclosures."Rev. Scientific Instruments
57.7 (1986) 1427.
Diamond, Richard C, Mark P Modera, and Helmut E Feustel."Ventilation and Occupant Behavior in Two Apartment Buildings."The 7th Air Infiltration Centre Conference on Occupant Interaction with Ventilation Systems
Sherman, Max H, and Mark P Modera."Infiltration Using the LBL Infiltration Model."Measured Air Leakage Performance of Buildings, (Trechsel/Lagus Ed.)
STP:904 (1986) 325 - 347.
Diamond, Richard C, Charles A Goldman, Mark P Modera, Michael H Rothkopf, Max H Sherman, and Edward L Vine."Building Energy Retrofit Research: Multifamily Sector."
Sherman, Max H, Mark P Modera, and Dariush Hekmat."Energy Impacts of Efficient Refrigerators in the Pacific Northwest."
Modera, Mark P, J.T Brunsell, and Richard C Diamond."Improving Diagnostics and Energy Analysis for Multifamily Buildings: A Case Study."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and Robert C Sonderegger."Heat-Flow Measurements in Buildings."
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and P.A Levin."A Detailed Examination of the LBL Infiltration Model with the Mobile Infiltration Test Unit."ASHRAE Transactions
89 (1983).
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."A Predictive Air Infiltration Model—Long-Term Field Test Validation."ASHRAE Transactions
88.1 (1982).
Sherman, Max H, Mark P Modera, and David T Grimsrud."A Predictive Air Infiltration Model—Field Validation and Sensitivity Analysis."Proceedings Third International Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."Long-Term Infiltration Measurements in a Full-Scale Test Structure."Proceedings 2nd Air Infiltration Centre Conference
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."Wind and Infiltration--A Description of a Predictive Model."Proceedings ASCE International Convention
(1981) 81-116.