
X Author: Max H Sherman


Sherman, Max H."Simplified Model of Thermal Comfort."Energy and Buildings 8 (1985) 37-50.


Cleary, Peter, and Max H Sherman."Seasonal Storage of Moisture in Roof Sheathing."Moisture and Humidity - 1985, April 15-18, 1985 (1984).


Sherman, Max H, J.W Adams, Robert C Sonderegger, Francis A Govan, David M Greason, and John D McAllister."Simplified Thermal Parameters: A Model of the Dynamic Performance of Walls."Thermal Insulation, Materials, and Systems for Energy Conservation in the '80s: A Conference ASTM STP 789 (1983) 355-372.


Sherman, Max H, and David T Grimsrud."A Comparison of Alternate Ventilation Strategies."Proceedings Third AIC Conference (1982).
Sherman, Max H, Mark P Modera, and David T Grimsrud."A Predictive Air Infiltration Model—Field Validation and Sensitivity Analysis."Proceedings Third International Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment (1982).
Sonderegger, Robert C, Max H Sherman, and J.W Adams."The Envelope Thermal Test Unit (ETTU): Field Measurement of Wall Performance."Proceedings Third International Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment (1982).


Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."Wind and Infiltration--A Description of a Predictive Model."Proceedings ASCE International Convention (1981) 81-116.


Sherman, Max H, David T Grimsrud, Paul E Condon, and Brian V Smith."Air Infiltration Measurement Techniques."Proceedings First Air Infiltration Centre Conference (1980).
Sherman, Max H, and David T Grimsrud."The Measurement of Infiltration using Fan Pressurization and Weather Data."Proceedings First Air Infiltration Centre Conference (1980).
Condon, Paul E, David T Grimsrud, Max H Sherman, and Ron C Kammerud."An Automated Controlled Flow Air Infiltration Measurement System."Building Air Change Rate and Infiltration Measurements, (Hunt/King/Trechsel Eds.) STP:719 (1980) 60-72.