
X Author: Richard C Diamond



Salsbury, Tim I, and Richard C Diamond."Implementation and testing of a fault detection software tool for improving control system performance in a large commercial building."Proceedings of the ACEEE 2000 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA 7 (2000) 147-158.
Diamond, Richard C, and Mithra M Moezzi."Revealing myths about people, energy and buildings."Proceedings of the ACEEE 2000 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA 8 (2000) 65-77.



Diamond, Richard C."Enerplex Revisited and Reevaluated."Progressive Architecture v.70,.no.3 (1998) p.117-119.
Diamond, Richard C."What Do Building Science and Architecture Have in Common?."1998 Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Architectural Services Organization (1998).
Feustel, Helmut E, and Richard C Diamond."Ventilation in Highrise Apartments."Proceedings of the Room Vent 1998 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (1998).



Diamond, Richard C, Jim Remus, and Bruce Vincent."User Satisfaction with Innovative Cooling Retrofits in Sacramento Public Housing."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 25-31, 1996 8 (1996) 21.
Sartor, Dale A, Richard C Diamond, Andy Walker, Michael Giller, Karl A Brown, and Anne S Crawley."Designing an Environmental Showcase: The San Francisco Presidio."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA 5 (1996) 209-218.
Feustel, Helmut E, and Richard C Diamond."Diagnostics and measurements of infiltration and ventilation systems in high-rise apartment buildings."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA 1 (1996) 95-101.
Busch, John F, and Richard C Diamond."Does the Feebate Approach to A/E Compensation Lead to an Energy-Efficient Building?."Proceedings of the 4th National Energy-Efficient New Construction Conference, Vancouver, BC (1996).


Diamond, Richard C."Energy and ventilation research in high-rise buildings."Center for Building Science News #7, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1995).