Publications: Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
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Marnay, Chris, Tao Xu, Yuko Hirase, Patricio Mendoza-Araya, Nikos Hatziargyriou, and Shuai Lu."Microgrids 2025 editorial."Applied Energy
381 (2025) 125348. DOI
de Mesquita, P. Jacob Bueno, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, Iain S Walker, Brennan Less, and Brett C Singer."Quantifying the Potential Health Impacts of Unvented Combustion in Homes – A Meta-Analysis."43rd AIVC-11th TightVent & 9th Venticool Conference, 4-5 October 2023, Copenhagen
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, Nuria Casquero-Modrego, and Leo I Rainer."The Cost of Decarbonization and Energy Upgrade Retrofits for US Homes."
WuDunn, Mark, Avideh Zakhor, Samir Touzani, and Jessica Granderson."Aerial 3D Building Reconstruction from RGB Drone Imagery."SPIE Geospatial Informatics X
Taylor, Margaret, K Sydny Fujita, Jingjing Zhang, Mustapha Harb, James Tamerius, Michelle Jones, and Sarah K Price."Explaining jurisdictional compliance with California’s top-down streamlined solar permitting law (AB 2188)."
(2019). DOI
Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo I Rainer, Jimmy Mai, Ian Vaino, Claire Curtin, Arman Shehabi, Louis-Benoit Desroches, and Nathaniel Mills."A Plug-Loads Game Changer: Computer Gaming Energy Efficiency without Performance Compromise."
Less, Brennan, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, Max H Sherman, and Jordan D Clark."Energy savings with outdoor temperature-based smart ventilation control strategies in advanced California homes."Energy and Buildings
194 (2019) 317 - 327. DOI
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, Jonathan L Slack, Leo I Rainer, and Ronnen M Levinson."Sealed and Insulated Attic Hygrothermal Performance in New California Homes Using Vapor and Air Permeable Insulation—Field Study and Simulations."
Clark, Jordan D, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Efficacy of occupancy-based smart ventilation control strategies in energy-efficient homes in the United States."Building and Environment
156 (2019) 253 - 267. DOI
Less, Brennan, Spencer M Dutton, Xiwang Li, Jordan D Clark, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Smart Ventilation for Advance California Homes – Single Zone Technology Task."
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain S Walker, and William W Delp."Development of a standard capture efficiency test method for residential kitchen ventilation."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
24 (2018) 176–187. DOI
Wallace, Nancy, Paulo Issler, Paul A Mathew, and Kaiyu Sun."Impact of Energy Factors on Default Risk in Commercial Mortgages."
Mathew, Paul A, Kaiyu Sun, Baptiste Ravache, Paulo Issler, and Nancy Wallace."Impact of Energy Use and Price Variations on Default Risk in Commercial Mortgages: Case Studies."
Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo I Rainer, Jimmy Mai, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Arman Shehabi, Ted Pollak, and Nathaniel Mills."An Energy-focused Profile of the Video Gaming Marketplace."
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain S Walker, and William W Delp."Development of a Standard Test Method for Reducing the Uncertainties in Measuring the Capture Efficiency of Range Hoods."
Walker, Iain S, Yang-Seon Kim, Brett C Singer, and Wanyu R Chan."Assessing Occupant and Outdoor Air Impacts on Indoor Air Quality in New California Homes."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Rojas, Gabriel, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Comparing extracting and recirculating residential kitchen range hoods for the use in high energy efficient housing."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Gariel Rojas, Jordan D Clark, and Max H Sherman."Evaluating the Performance of Island Kitchen Range Hoods."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jordan D Clark, and Gaelle Guyot."Residential Smart Ventilation: A Review."
Less, Brennan, and Iain S Walker."Smart Ventilation Controls for Occupancy and Auxiliary Fan Use Across U.S. Climates."
Singer, Brett C, William W Delp, Douglas R Black, and Iain S Walker."Measured performance of filtration and ventilation systems for fine and ultrafine particles and ozone in an unoccupied modern California house."Indoor Air
(2016). DOI
Alschuler, Elena, Cindy Zhu, Evan Mills, Andrew White, and Theddi Wright Chappell."Appraising Green: Show me the Market Value."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 21-26, 2016
Mills, Evan."Job Creation and Energy Savings Through a Transition to Modern Off-grid Lighting."Energy for Sustainable Development
33 (2016) 155-166. DOI