Publications: Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
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Stratton, J Chris, Iain S Walker, and Craig P Wray."Measuring Residential Ventilation System Airflows: Part 2 - Field Evaluation of Airflow Meter Devices and System Flow Verification."
Mills, Evan, and Paul A Mathew."Monitoring-Based Commissioning: Benchmarking Analysis of 24 University Buildings in California."Energy Engineering
Chojnowski, D, K Straub, Evan Mills, and T White."Online Communities for Creating Change: Home Energy Pros."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Mills, Evan, and Paul A Mathew."Web Services that Foster Innovation in Buildings Energy Analysis Tools."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Walker, Iain S, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Development of a Residential Integrated Ventilation Controller."
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Optimization of Occupancy Based Demand Controlled Ventilation in Residences."International Journal of Ventilation
10.1 (2011) 49-60.
Sherman, Max H, Dorthe Kragsig Mortensen, and Iain S Walker."Derivation of Equivalent Continuous Dilution for Cyclic, Unsteady Driving Forces."International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
54.11-12 (2011) 2696-2702.
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Meeting Residential Ventilation Standards Through Dynamic Control of Ventilation Systems."Energy and Buildings
43.8 (2011) 1904-1912.
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Energy and air quality implications of passive stack ventilation in residential buildings."ACEEE 16th Biennial Summer Study
Sherman, Max H, Iain S Walker, and Jennifer M Logue."Equivalence in Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality."HVAC&R Research
Mills, Evan, and Arne Jacobson."From Carbon to Light: A New Framework for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reducitons from Replacing Fuel-Based Lighting with LED Systems.."Energy Efficiency
(2011). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Mile Lubliner, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and William W Delp."Air Leakage of Furnaces and Air Handlers."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: The Climate for Efficiency is Now
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Does Mixing Make Residential Ventilation More Effective?."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Max H Sherman, and Iain S Walker."IAQ Based Design of an Efficient DCV System."10th REHVA World Congress
Walker, Iain S, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and William W Delp."Residential Forced Air System Cabinet Leakage and Blower Performance."
Mills, Evan, and J Tracy."Illuminating The Pecking Order in Off-Grid Lighting: A Demonstration of LED Lighting for Saving Energy in the Poultry Sector."Light & Engineering
19.4 (2010).
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Impacts of Mixing on Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Homes."HVAC & Research Journal
Sherman, Max H, Iain S Walker, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Final Report on Residential Integrated Ventilation Energy Controller."Energy Innovations Small Grant
55044A (2009).
Al-Beaini, Sara, Sam Borgeson, Brian E Coffey, David Gregory, Kyle S Konis, Corinne D Scown, Jelena Simjanovic, John Stanley, Bret Strogen, and Iain S Walker."Feasibility of Achieving a Zero-Net-Energy, Zero-Net-Cost Homes."
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Measured Air Distribution Effectiveness for Residential Mechanical Ventilation Systems."ASHRAE HVAC&R Research Journal
15.2 (2009) 211-230.