SEMINAR 2 - Architectural Challenges in Shaping Sustainable Residential Buildings

> Architectural Challenges in Shaping Sustainable Residential Buildings

In the pursuit of sustainable residential architecture, decarbonization stands as an important objective, demanding innovative approaches and steadfast commitment from architects and the building sector. This seminar delves into the challenges that architects encounter throughout the design process when integrating decarbonization solutions into their residential projects. From design to execution, architects confront multifaceted considerations, ranging from technological limitations to economic constraints and regulatory frameworks. Balancing aesthetic aspirations with carbon reduction imperatives, architects find themselves navigating a complex zone of decisions, where every choice resonates through the environmental and social fabric. Drawing from real-world residential case studies and expert insights, this seminar sheds light on the diverse array of hurdles the residential design process faces, offering an understanding of the dynamic interplay between design intent and sustainable outcomes. 

Date and Time

> March 27th, 2024 at 9am (Pacific Time) / 12pm (East Time)


> Download the presentations [HERE]

Video Recording

> Find the video recording [HERE]


Tim McDonald - President at Onion Flats

Tim McDonaldTimothy McDonald is an Architect, Certified Passive House Consultant/Tradesman (CPHC) and President of Onion Flats LLC, a development/design/build collective centered in Philadelphia and Boston. He has been teaching and practicing for over 27 years with a focus on community development, multidisciplinary thinking and making, high-performance building technologies and alternative construction methodologies. Through his research and practice, Tim, along with his partners at Onion Flats, has developed, designed and built some of the first LEED Platinum and Certified Passive House, carbon-neutral projects in the USA.

Katie Ackerly - Principal at David Baker Architects

Katie AckerlyKatie Ackerly is Principal and Sustainable Design Director at David Baker Architects, an award-winning architecture firm known for elevating the design of multi-family housing. Katie came to architecture from a background in building science and energy efficiency policy, and holds both a Master of Architecture and a graduate degree in Building Science from UC Berkeley, including studies with the Center for the Built Environment. Within DBA and beyond, she works to expand understanding, tools, partnerships, and best practices that advance climate responsive housing that supports thriving communities

Tom White - Director of building performance and sustainability at EDEN Housing

Tom WhiteTom is Director for Building Performance and Sustainability at Eden Housing, a non-profit affordable housing developer based in Hayward, California. Tom is responsible for planning and implementing energy, water, and waste diversion cost-saving measures, decarbonization and related capital projects for Eden Housing’s portfolio of 160 multifamily housing communities across California. He develops education and training resources for property maintenance staff and residents to improve building performance, increase waste diversion and conservation of natural resources. Prior to his work at Eden Housing, Tom was Executive Director of Energy Auditor and Retrofitter Inc., and publisher of Home Energy magazine, the national trade journal for residential energy efficiency, HVAC and green building professionals.